- My firm pays high wages. 我公司工酬优厚。
- My company pays well(= pays high salaries). 我们公司给的工资很高。
- I will do it if you kickback a few hundred for my firm. 如果你给我公司几百元回扣我就干。
- The firm pays over the odds for working in unpopular areas. 在条件差的地区工作,公司多给酬金。
- My firm was officed in the city. 我的公司在市里设有办公室。
- Debby: My new job isn't bad, but it doesn't pay well at all. 我的新工还不错,很有意思,就是薪水不算高。
- I'm not picky. Just something that pays well. 我可不挑剔。只要钱多就可以了。
- Unfortunate to say that my firm went under. 不幸的是我公司破产了。
- It's not a full-time job but it pays well. 这虽然是一份兼职工作,但是报酬不低。
- The atmosphere at my firm is very relaxed. 在我的公司里,气氛很轻松。
- The firm pays over the odds for working in unpopular area . 在条件差的地区工作,公司多给酬金。
- It pays well and promotes only from within. 公司给的薪金很高,而且只从公司员工内部选拔提升。
- Have you any kith work at my firm? 你有没有亲戚朋友在我公司就职?
- Occasionally my firm suspects her, why? 有时候我狠怀疑她,为什么?
- The firm pays over the odds for working in unpopular area. 在条件差的地区工作,公司多给酬金。
- It may not pay well, but at any rate it's a job. 薪水可能不高,但不管怎样这也是份工作。
- I'll take a three-month overseas contract, and my firm will hold my job open for me when I come back. 我要接受在海外工作3个月的合同,回来时候公司是会保留我的工作的。
- My firm has sprouted into a major group in the country. 我的公司已迅速发展成了我国的一个大集团公司。
- I agree.? It's only a part-time job at the hotel but it pays well. 我同意。虽然只是在旅馆里兼职,但是报酬很高。
- My firm in Hongkong went bankrupt and left me penniless, and I could only get home by working my ticket. 我在香港开设的商行破产了,落得个身无分文,只得靠在船上做工抵偿船费才回到家乡。